Irish Street Medicine Symposium 2017
University College Dublin
29 – 30 September
Presentations 2017
Day 1: Introductory Presentations
Nigel Hewett FRCGP OBE, Medical Director, Pathway
An Integrated Approach: The Health Response to Homeless Health Care Needs
Joseph Doyle, National Planning Specialist, HSE Social Inclusion
Introduction to the Mobile Health Unit
Sinead Grogan CNM, Safetynet Primary Care and Claire Mc Sweeney, Dublin Simon Community
Eradicating Hep C - An Update on the National Programme
Michele Tait, National Hepatitis C Programme Manager, HSE
Knowing More about Mortality and Cause of Death Amongst the Homeless Population in the Dublin Region
Bernie O ‘Donoghue Hynes, Head of Research, Dublin Region Homeless Executive
Day 1: Hep C Presentations

Hep C: Making it a Rare Disease for those Most at Risk
Jack Lambert, Consultant in Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
Community Treatment of Hepatitis C in the Homeless Population: a Shared Care Programme
Katie McElroy, GP Registrar, North Dublin City GP Training Scheme
Hepatitis C Treatment for Homeless and Drug-using Populations in Camden
Eibhlín Collins, formerly Clinical Nurse Specialist at Camden Health Improvement Practice
The Hep Friend Programme
Lar Murphy, Community Response
Hep C Peer and Interagency Support Initiatives
Sinead Carey,Project Manager, Novas
Day 1: Research
Quality Improvement in a Homeless Healthcare Setting can be Driven by Patients
Marianne McCallum, NHS Education Scotland/Hunter Street Homeless Health Services
The Lived Experience of Therapeutic Community Homeless People
Mark Kennedy, Head of Residential & Counselling Services, Merchants Quay Ireland
Engaging People Who Inject Drugs About the Development of Dublin's First Injecting Facility
María Otero Vázquez & Hannah Rodrigues, UISCE.
Palliative Care for Homeless Patients
Aoibheann Ní Chonfhaola, St. Francis Hospice, Raheny.
The Night Café: A study of a Harm Reduction Emergency Shelter
Brenda Kane, Coordinator of Open Access Services and Amy Lamont, Management IT Administrator, Merchants Quay Ireland
A Multi-disciplinary Approach for those Presenting with Alcohol Problems
Marie Lawless, Policy & Research Officer Ballymun Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force
Day 1: Workshop
Day 1: Mental Health
Putting On Your Own Oxygen Mask First: Self-Care for those Working with Vulnerable Populations
Cathy Cullen, GP, Safetynet & North Dublin City GP Training Scheme
Mindfulness Training as Clinical Intervention with Homeless Adults
Alan Maddock, PhD student in Psychology with Trinity College Dublin
An Analysis of Mental Health Morbidity in Homeless Clinics
Claire Dunne, In-Reach GP, Safetynet Primary Care
An Emergency Department Self-Harm Programme
Aine Richards, Clinical Nurse Specialist - Self Harm, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
Hopeless and Homeless: Suicide Self-Harm and Homelessness- What Might an Adequate Response Look Like?
Justin Brophy, Consultant Psychiatrist & Clinical Advisor, National Office for Suicide Prevention
Expert by Experience – A Service User Perspective
Christine O’Donnell