Safetynet’s Mobile Health and Screening Unit (MHSU) in partnership with HSE Social Inclusion is a team of Doctors, Nurses, a Radiographer and Interpreters that aims to add capacity to current health services, identify and treat health problems and reduce threats from communicable diseases. A large vehicle equipped as a mobile medical clinic, (including a mobile X-ray and consultation room) the service travels to various locations and collaborates with existing service providers operating in each local area with a view to integrating service users into local services.
MHSU provides health screening and medical assessments for relocated refugees, health assessments and screening for newly arrived asylum seekers, screening for communicable disease such as Tuberculosis, Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmitted Diseases and to clinically assess and prioritize an individual’s healthcare needs to respond appropriately. MHSU also provides mobile open access clinics to provide care to vulnerable individuals.
Throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic MHSU reconfigured it service to provide a bespoke mobile covid-19 testing service in conjunction with the Covid Cluster Rapid Response Team. Its aim was to test those most vulnerable in society and living in congregated settings with the intention to prevent the spread to those most vulnerable.
Contact 087 385 9537 or

This project is co-financed by the National Social Inclusion Office as well as the European Union and the Government of Ireland under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and is supported by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.