Inclusion Health Hub at 60 Amiens Street (NEW - from Monday 12 August 2024)
​The Inclusion Health Hub at 60 Amiens Street is for those in Dublin’s North East Inner City who are not being served by other services including undocumented migrants, protection applicants without access to primary care services, as well homeless
people. There are in-reach healthcare services offered to women in addiction services, as well as a DOVE clinic for pregnant
women with, or at risk of, BBVs. This clinic is also one of the few clinics in the homeless sector that sees children.
Services include
Nurse - Monday to Friday 9 –11:30, 2–4pm
GP clinics -
Walk-in – Mon 9-11.30am; Tue/Wed 1.30 – 4pm, Thurs 9-11.30am
Appointment - Fri 9-11.30am
Telephone interpreting in all languages
Inclusion Health Hub, 60 Amiens Street, Dublin 1, D01 E086
(Across the road from the "Best Price Fuel" Petrol Station)
Call 01 233 6990 for the up to date clinic times and appointment info.
Safetynet GP - Carrickmacross Primary Care Centre
The Safetynet Team provide a GP clinic to Roma people in Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan who do not have medical cards and cannot access care. Please telephone 01 233 6990 for further information.
Safetynet Eccles St GP Clinic
The purpose of these clinics is to provide GP primary care services to International Protection Applicants without access to healthcare. Safetynet has adopted a low threshold and flexible model of care provision. Phone interpreters are available for
those without a good command of English.
70 Eccles Street, Dublin 7, D07 A977, Tel: 01 233 6990
Appointment Only
The purpose of the clinic is to provide GP primary care services to marginalised groups and those without access to healthcare in Dublin’s North Inner City, with a particular focus on Roma people. Safetynet has adopted a low threshold and flexible model of
care provision, with provision of culturally appropriate supports including on site interpreter and support worker. The clinics are also very valuable in further assessing the needs of the Roma Community in Dublin and working with local and national NGOs towards providing equal access to healthcare for Roma people.
Safetynet Capuchin GP Walk In Clinic: Tuesday 9 –11:30, Tue/Wed/Thur 1:30 –3pm
Safetynet Romanian Interpreter on-site for all GP clinics; telephone interpreting for other languages.
Address: The Capuchin Day Centre, 29 Bow Street, Dublin 7, D07WY43 – Call 01 873 3301
NB The Capuchin Day Centre provide their own complimentary health services for marginalised groups:
For more information about the Capuchin Day Centre run services above, click here
Roma Clinic in Tallaght (GPs for Tallaght Cross)
This GP clinic with interpreting service currently provides for 2 clinic sessions per week. Appointments may be made by calling GPs For Tallaght Cross – Tel: 01 905 8012
GP support MMUH ED
The purpose of this clinic is to support the Emergency Department at the Mater hospital, seeing people who present to ED and who would more appropriately be seen in General Practice. People are triaged by an experienced ED doctor, and referred to a separate nearby site, to be seen by the GP. A dedicated Safetynet nurse supports this process. We provide GP-level care and only do same-day investigations that would normally be done in a GP setting. The service is well established, with very good working relationships and mutual support between the services. -