Safetynet Primary Care recruiting GPs and Nurses for exciting roles caring for society’s marginalised
Safetynet Primary Care is a Medical Charity providing services to those in our society most in need of health care but without access to appropriate care. Safetynet innovatively remove barriers by bringing healthcare to homeless people and vulnerable groups in hostels, food halls, drop-in services and by providing a mobile health service to rough sleepers. Safetynet also aims to improve access for patients to mainstream primary and secondary care services.
Mobile Health and Screening Unit
The Mobile Health and Screening Unit (MHSU) is a new service provided by Safetynet in partnership with HSE Social Inclusion and St James Hospital. The MHSU provides health screening and basic primary care health services to vulnerable migrants and other hard to reach groups where mainstream services are not available. The Unit provides integrated screening for TB and other communicable diseases for homeless people and other higher risk populations. This is a national service delivered throughout Ireland by means of a vehicle specifically designed and equipped with X-Ray and consultation room. The team includes a GP, Nurses, Radiographer, driver and Manager.
Pragmatism, Lack of Prejudice, Optimism, Boldness, Enthusiasm, Committed, Kindness, Positivity, Self-awareness, Sense of Social Justice, Sense of humour, Compassion, Integrity, Empathy, Tenacity, Imagination, Respect, Openness, Patience, Idealism, Vision
Are you interested in a job where you can make a real difference?
Do you aspire to the characteristics and values above?
If so, come work for Safetynet Primary Care!