Irish Street Medicine Symposium
27 – 28 September
2019 Programme
(subject to final confirmation)
Day 2
Saturday 28 September 2019
Location: Western Gateway Building, University College Cork,
Agenda - Day 2
registration & Breaks Information
(day 2)
Registration 8.30am - 9.30am
Coffee Break (Morning) 11.15am - 11.30am
Lunch 12.45pm - 1.30pm
9.30am - 9.45am (day 2)
Opening and Welcome
Prof John O'Halloran, Deputy President and Registrar, University College Cork
plenary session
9.45am - 11.15am (day 2)
Chaired by Prof Colin Bradley, Department of General Practice, UCC ​
Building academic -community partnerships
Louise Crowley (School of Law, University College Cork)
Homelessness an unhealthy state - Cork
Anna Marie Naughton (Adult Homeless Integrated Team, Cork Kerry Community Healthcare)
Trauma and Homelessness - Understanding how early childhood adversity impacts later life outcomes
Raegan Murphy (School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork)
Building GPs for deprivation
Austin O Carroll (North Dublin GP Training Scheme)
Panel Discussion
11.30am - 12.45Pm (day 2)
Theme: Complex Needs, Barriers and Solutions
1) An Evaluation of Practitioner's Experience of Service Users Seeking Community Detoxification from Benzodiazepines
Marianne Wall, (Cork Kerry Community Healthcare HSE Addiction Services)
2) A break down of mental health crisis interventions in a homeless drop in centre
Sarah Scully, (Merchants Quay Ireland)
3) Community Benzodiazepine Detoxification In a low Threshold Service
Wayne Clifford (Merchants Ireland Ireland Open Access Service)
4) Homelessness: A trauma contagion?
Megan McGinley (Child and Family Primary Care Psychology)
5) Youth Homeless Project Worker role within the Limerick Homeless Action Team
Oonagh Hogan (Limerick Homeless Action Team)
6) Q&A Session
11.30am - 12.45Pm (day 2)
Theme: Pragmatic Research
1) Conducting Health related research on homeless participants
Molly Megson, (St. Gemma’s Academic Unit of Pallative Care, University of Leeds)
2) ‘He wanted to die in his home. So we had staff sit up with him for his last final days’: Supporting people experiencing homelessness living with or dying from life-limiting illnesses – an in-depth qualitative interview study
Aoibheann Ní Chonfhaola, (Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services, Harold’s Cross, Dublin)
3) Cardiovascular initiatives - 1. A 3-month Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS) - based intervention with a population accessing homeless services: efficacy, challenges and opportunities
Florian Scheibein (Waterford Institute of Technology)
2. Assessing the impact of a bespoke nutrition and lifestyle intervention programme on individuals living in emergency accommodation
Irene Gibson, Suzanne Seery, Kieran Coleman (Croí the West of Ireland Cardiac Foundation & HSE)
3. Positive patient engagement with an onsite, specialist led, diabetes clinic.
Ciara Griffin and Angie Skuce (Capuchin Medical Clinic)
4) Knowledge Management - Emergency In-Patient Hospitalisations among the Vulnerable
Anne O'Farrell (Health Intelligence Unit)
5) Improving services for women who access homeless Drop in Centres and Primary Care centres
Carmen Lordache (MQI)
6) Q&A Session
option a
Parallel quickfires 1
1.30pm - 2.00Pm (day 2)
1) Methadone Prescribing ECG Compliance
Sean Owens (Grangegorman Pirmary Care Centre)
2) Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): What level of knowledge and experience of IPV have Irish paramedics
Hannah Daly (National Ambulance Service College)
3) Cross sectional study of trauma exposure in childhood among adult clients attending 3 North Dublin City Methadone clinics Ciaran Somers (Social Inclusion and Addiction Services, HSE CHO Dublin North City and County)
4) A “SMART” easily readable wound dressing
Maria Bardosova, Siobhan Murphy (Tyndall National Institute, Cork. & School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork)
5) Homeless Podiatry Clinic Project
Emma O'Callaghan (Achilles Foot Clinic, Ballinlough Rd.)
option b
Parallel quickfires 2
1.30pm - 2.ooPm (day 2)
1) The Need to Provide Contraceptive Services to Women on Opioid Substitution Therapy
Julia Olioff ( UCC, Addiction Services, Adult Homeless Integrated Service Cork Kerry Community Healthcare)
2) The need for trauma informed care models for individuals experiencing the reoccurring traumatising effects of homelessness & addiction
Zoe Dillon (Merchants Quay Ireland)
3) Acupuncture and Homelessness
Philippe Pujade (Alternative Therapy, HSE South)
4) Children living in homeless accommodation in Limerick City: A qualitative study of service providers
Katie Evans (Department of Public Health, HSE Mid-West)
5) How community services are working to eradicate hepatitis C in homeless communities
Stephanie Broughton, Rachel Smith (Guy's and St Thomas Integrated Local Services, UK)
choose 1 from 6
2.oopm - 3.30pm (day 2)
1) Trauma-Informed Practice: an interactive introduction to the Trauma Informed Care in Ireland model
Aoife Dermody (Quality Matters)
2) Theatre of the Oppressed
Austin O Carroll
3) Applying a Human rights based approach to care and support in adult health and social care settings
Linda Weir, Laura Behan, Davina Swan (Health Information and Quality Authority)
4) SMART Recovery - Homeless Services Innovation to Full Community Integration
Eoin Pól O'Callaghan (Cork Kerry Community Healthcare)
5) Nalaxone
Sinead Carey, Frank Horgan
6) "Not all discharges are created equal" - Developing a Hospital and Homeless Liaison Service
Margaret McKiernan, Eibhlin Collins (Mercy University Hospital) Elaine Conlon and Cliona Ni Cheallaigh
day 2 closing PLENARY SESSION
3.30pm - 4.30pm (day 2)
Report from Parallel Sessions
Workshop Chairs Share
Closing Remarks